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 Motorised Screen
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 Insect Screen
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 Solar Screen
 Retractable Ex Screen
 Retractable Maxi Screen
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Predominance for Joining Us  

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Predominance for Joining Us
Well-known brands, unique products and vast market. Magnetic Screen will provide you an excellent business opportunities and significant profit potential.
The rapid development of real estate market make the high-quality protective screens is becomes to one of the most popular production for real estate and building materials market. Magnetic Screen high-quality insect screens will be able to satisfy the market demand.
Compares with other screen, our products uses better quality raw materials. In return, the consumer will good quality product which is value for money.
We offer many model of screen and new products likes transparent screens, pet screen, solar screen, ultraviolet screen etc. The wide product range will be able to meet the needs of different groups of consumers. Pay a one time franchise fee to resell all our quality products.
Magnetic Screen Pte Ltd
Address: No. 7030 Ang Mo Kio Ave 5, #06-24 North Star @AMK
Singapore 569880 Tel: 0065-6570-8638 Fax: 0065-6570-8628
2006-2009 Magnetic Screen Pte Ltd, All rights reserved